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Kitty Rush

Role:Lead Designer
Genre:2D Platform
Platform: Windows
Game Engine: UE4


Kitty Rush is a single-player 2D side-scrolling game where you play with cute cats in an attempt to reach the highest score each run.


Adopt your cat, name her, and go on adventures while earning coins and dodging nasty dogs! Purchase cosmetics from the Cat-alogue to make your cat look beautiful!


A relaxing and equally competitive experience, Kitty Rush  will make you want to play with your friends, fighting for the highest score!




Kitty Rush was my first assignment during the second year of university.

I began designing the game for mobile platforms aiming at a youthful audience. The game was created so that users could play it on the move whenever they were bored or took a break at work; something simple yet fun and progressive with the possibility of future updates. Player could choose their preffered cat at the begining of the game where each cat has a personality and its own unique ability.



Throughout develpoment the project had to be migrated to computer and as a consequence some mechanics and UI components were adapted.


The game loop consists of running, avoiding obstacles, collecting coins, and spending money in the shop on upgrades and cosmetics.

Screenshots From Game

First Screen
Main Menu

Feline Frenzy

Role:UI Design, Sound Design
Link:Feline Frenzy Demo
Genre:Casual Game
Platform: Windows (2) (2).gif


Feline Frenzy born as a result of a second iteration and prototype develpment during a different group project. A 2D platformer developed to provide a unique experience that would put the user in a state of flow similar to Sonic the Hedgehog's famous platformer. Instead of having one endless runner, we designed multiple levels where each stage had a different theme. Powerups were incorporated as core mechanics and additionally, other new mechanics were added. Based on the same design document as Kitty Rush, Feline Frenzy follows a similar loop in which players must collect coins and complete the level before the timer runs out in order to continue to the next level. This was a project where I experimented with UI and UX design, sound design, and animations.



Because the target platform was Android, the design was created for mobile but was also implemented on a computer. The main menu is simple yet suggestive, dynamic and interactive. The position of the buttons formed a mark throughout the game, helping players in navigating and learning the menus more quickly; it also resembled a paw, which is really adorable and adds to the game's theme: cats!


Screenshots From Game

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Kitty Rush was a project that started from a Design Document. Later, modified into Feline Frenzy, I had to adapt the documentation for it to be easy to follow by my team throughout development. The design documents can be found here for both games.

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Source GIFs:

Pixelart Icons  by @ReffPixels (Pablo Rodriguez)

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